Adding Subsurface Scattering (SSS)

Subsurface Scattering (SSS) is an effect that allows light to pass through and bounce around inside an object. This effect can be useful to generate a realistic skin material or for making an object feel soft.

Material Setup

There are two types of material that you can use. Which are the texture type and the color type. If your skin texture uses solid color for the skin, you can use the color type. If not, use the texture type.

For the texture material type, duplicate the Skin material and make it a single-user copy by clicking the numbered icon on the material data-block menu. After that, rename the material to Skin_SSS_Tex or any name you want.

Once you do that, go to the shading tab and make sure that the Image Texture -> Color output is connected to the Principled BSDF -> Subsurface Color input.

Assigning Material

Once you created the material, you must assign it to the mesh. You can replace the whole skin material with the SSS version. But if you want to selectively assign parts of the mesh to have an SSS effect, here's how you do it:

  • Select the faces you want the Subsurface material to be assigned and go to Edit Mode.

  • In Edit Mode, select the faces that you want the Subsurface material to be assigned.

  • Now add the Subsurface material in a new material slot and assign it to the selected faces by clicking on the Assign button. To enable SSS on the material, change the Principled BSDF -> Subsurface input to any value you want (I recommend setting it to 0.5 or lower).

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