Changing the Skin Texture

Before you can change the skin, you need to make sure that the texture you're using is compatible with the rig. To do this, you need to remove any facial features (eyes, eyebrows, mouth, etc) from the textures by editing them in an image editor like Photoshop, GIMP, or

Don't use MS Paint to edit the skin because it will remove any transparency from the texture.

Here's how to change the skin texture:

  • Select the GEO-Materials (the round object on the left side of the head) or any of the body mesh with the material you want to change and go to the Material Properties tab.

  • Select the Skin material and change the texture by selecting the × icon on the image data-block menu then select Open. A window then should pop up.

  • Find your desired skin texture, select it, then select Open Image.

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